Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Basil Seed - 4 oz.

Basil Seed - 4 oz.BASIL HOLY BASIL Ocimum sanctum (Labiatae)Holy basil O. sanctum (also known as O. tenuiflorum) is a sacred herb in India where it is used in religious ceremonies and planted around Hindu temples and sacred groves. Sacred groves are believed to be the abode of certain deities or spirits. The Egyptians burned a mixture of basil and myrrh to appease their gods. Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum) was introduced in Europe as a seasoning for food.The use of Tulsi seeds (Seeds and Leaves of Tulsi sacred to Lord Vishnu ) are used in combination with the dried leaves of Patchouli popular and common among the mountain people of India. According to the traditional healers making a tea out of the two herbs or smoking the combination through a pipe is recommended for improving vitality and prevents the body from being occupeid by bad or ill spirits. The traditional healers also recommend the use the powdered seeds as sex tonic alone or in combination with patchouli. Drunk as a tea or smoked in a pipe the quality of the herbs is both spiritual and mentalThe herb has very important medicinal properties - notably its ability to reduce blood sugar levels. It also prevents peptic ulcers and other stress related conditions like hypertension colitis and asthma. Basil is also used to treat cold and reduce fever congestion and joint pain. Due to its anti-bacterial and fungicide action basil leaves are used on itching skin insect biting and skin affections.Basil seeds can be made into tea ground into powder and used in mixtures for herbal smoking or sprinkled over salads or soups. Seeds are also used as a visionary aid for meditations. Drink a cup of Basil seed tea prior to meditation and your body and mind will relax notably. This Basil is a product of ESutras.


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