Wednesday, September 29, 2010

La Dieta

La DietaMade from the finest quality certified organic & kosher ingredients. Assorted case has 3 each 9 oz. of the 4 flavors: Breakfast Biscuit Wheat-free ,Cranberry and Cheddar Biscuit Wheat-free ,Tuscan Tomato and Herb Biscuit Wheat-free , and Original

Price: $10.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Bajar 10 kilos

Bajar10Kilos es un dieta ayude a la gente para bajar 10 kilos en 15 dias. Convierte 1/20 de traffico general.

Check it out!

Nutella Biscotti receta – 90 calorías

Nutella Biscotti recipe - 90 calories

Me encanta Nutella, por lo que he pensado que esto sería una buena receta para try… y, desde luego, no estaba decepcionado! Estos biscotti tiene un gran sabor y es bastante crujientes. También puede intentar usar chips de chocolate blancos en lugar de los regulares para un agradable efecto visual.

Nutella Biscotti receta – 90 calorías

1/2 taza de chocolate chips
1/2 taza Nutella
1/2 taza de avellanas (opcionales)
uso múltiple de 2 1/4 tazas de harina
3 huevos grandes
2 cucharadas de cacao
1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio
1/2 cucharadita de levadura en polvo
1/2 cucharadita de sal
1 taza de azúcar

1. Precalentar el horno a 350 ° f.
2. En un tazón mediano, tamizar juntos el cacao, la harina, el bicarbonato de sodio, el polvo para hornear y la sal.
3. En un tazón grande, batir los huevos hasta espumosa.
4. Añadir el azúcar y continuar la paliza de alrededor de 2 minutos.
5. Añadir mientras se agita la Nutella.
6. Añadir la mezcla de harina a la mezcla de huevo y remover hasta bien combinados.
7. Agitar en los chips de chocolate y avellanas (si se utiliza).
8. Harina las manos bien y dividir la masa en los registros de 2 ó 3; organizar en una hoja para hornear forrado de pergamino.Presione los registros en rectángulos aproximadamente de 1/2 pulgada de espesor.
9. Cocer en el horno a 350 grados F durante unos 20 minutos.
10. Retire del horno.Bajar el calor del horno a 300 ° f.
11. El uso de un cuchillo serrado, cortar los registros en rodajas de 1/3-1/2 pulgada.Organizar en una hoja para hornear y volver al horno.
12. Hornear durante unos 10-12 minutos, a continuación, voltee la biscotti y cocer durante acerca de 10-12 minutos más (dependiendo del grosor de los sectores).

Porciones: 36

Informaciones nutricionales para una porción:
Calorías: 90
Total de grasa: 2,5 g
Colesterol: 17 mg
Sodio: 62 mg
Total de carbohidratos: 15,8 g
Fibra: 0,7 g
Proteínas: 1,7 g
Puntos de seguimiento de peso: 2

Crédito de foto: cursedthing

También pueden interesarte estas recetas de chocolate:

Los términos de búsqueda entrante para esta receta: Tags: biscotti, chocolate, chips de chocolate, cookie, cookies, cocinar, postre, dieta, alimentos, nutella saludable, luz, nutella biscotti, receta

View the original article here

¿Cómo puedo perder peso sin perder masa muscular? [Foro]

Soy un varón, 5 ' 10 ", 147 libras de peso, ejercicio de 4 - 6 veces por semana durante aprox. 2 hrs por ejercicio. Mis entrenamientos son muy intensos, ya que entrenar para las carreras de bicicleta de montaña.No es inusual para un paseo de 2 hr a tener una ganancia de altitud de 3.000 pies, que, cuando se combina con terreno técnico tales como rocas y alta altitud compensa bastante un gasto de calorías.

Hacer algunos musculación básicos: pull-ups, lagartijas, etc., no trabajo pesado involucrado.Mi pregunta es: ¿cuál es el mejor enfoque para perder un par de libras sin perder ningún músculo masa.

La razón de por qué estoy preguntando es porque el verano pasado estuve 2 kg más ligera y que realmente ayuda sobre ascensiones largas, sin embargo tenía un inconveniente de sentimiento débiles a veces, cuando superando una gran roca o otro obstáculo que requieren fuerza muscular cruda durante unos segundos en un momento.

Gracias por tu aporte!

Cornflowers - 1 lb.

Cornflowers - 1 lb.Cornflowers - 1 lb.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Entrevista con Ben Davis: "mi Pound 120 Journey"

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In January of 2009, a young man by the name of Ben Davis had had enough. He was 358lbs, and his weight was taking its toll on his health and his personal life. Then one day he started to run...

If you haven't seen this incredibly inspiring video, do yourself a favor and watch it. Then watch it again, and share it with others. Ben Davis' journey is a true testament of the human spirit and what one can accomplish with dedication, hard work (and some nipple band aids!)

Here's the video:

Determined to get into the head of such a determined and fearless human being, I caught up with Ben Davis, and had the privilege of picking his brain about his amazing journey.

MH: Hello Ben!

First of all, thank you so much for taking the time out to do this.

BD: It's my pleasure; I'm honored.

MH: I was really struck by the line in the video that says "and then I got inspired". Was there a moment/event/epiphany that occurred that sparked you into action? Describe if you can what the turning point was.

BD: There was absolutely a moment for me. It was Christmas of '08. I was spending the break with my grandmother in Massachusetts. She's always been a big supporter of me, but has always been concerned with my health and obesity. Throughout my life, she had always offered me advice and tips on how to become healthy, but where I appreciated it, I had also always kind of dismissed it. Then, this particular Christmas, in one of our many conversations she just asked me if I was happy. At the time, I just nonchalantly told her I was. Later that night, though, I started to think about it, and realized I wasn't happy. I also had the luxury of being able to pinpoint my sadness to my obesity.

So the next morning was Christmas and, being the irresponsible grandchild, I hadn't gotten her a gift. I woke up early and made the website. I wrote the address on a card for her and told her it was my commitment to her, that it was finally time to get my life together. She loved it.

MH: When you decided you were going to start running, did you have a specific goal in mind? Did you ever imagine when you started this journey less than 2 years ago that you would have undergone such a drastic transformation?

BD: There wasn't really any goals at first other than, "lose weight, get fit." But I knew running would be a means to that end, so my brother, Jed, and I signed up for a 5K to kind of kickstart us and give us something to work towards. He had about 50 pounds to lose (and has, by the way) so it was a perfect time for us both to be getting our act together.

But finishing the 5K 17 days later lit a fire in me. I loved the race atmosphere and loved seeing my times improve, so I never looked back.

MH: People start these kinds of endeavors all the time with the best of intentions, but very few of them accomplish what you did. What was it that kept you going, Ben?

BD: A few things, actually. First of all, the fear of going back to the dark place of depression. I knew how sad I was back then and never wanted to go back. I actually wrote a letter to my future self on the blog. It basically said, "Dude, if you're thinking of giving up, just remember, you've never been as happy as you are now. Keep going." And any time I would have a bad run or eat bad for a week, I would remember that letter and keep going.

Second thing was the running scene and the constant races. Having races and goals for those races really keeps the motivation up. I probably wouldn't have been successful if I had gone in just trying to have random workouts each day. With races, you're always kind of on a set schedule, training wise, and always wanting to improve your times, so you're always motivated to keep hitting the track.

MH: You've accomplished such an amazing feat to this point. What are some of your personal and athletic goals for the future?

Being bigger, I'm not really built for speed. I'm more into the long distance, endurance stuff like triathlons and long road races, so my goals are more marathonish type things. Of course, it would be fantastic to run a marathon in all 50 states. That's one of our big goals. More Ironmans, no doubt. And recently we've been toying with the idea of a 100-miler, but nothing set on that. The main goal, though, is to keep going. Just keep doing it. If nothing else, just make sure to stay with it.

MH: Lastly, what message do you have for people out there who may find themselves in a situation similar to yours of 2 years ago?

BD: My four commandments!

1. Be public
If you keep this to yourself, it will be easy to quit. The thing about having a health problem/addiction, is that the natural impulse is to hide it and keep it secret that you're trying to better yourself. But, it's also easier to quit if it's just you that knows about it.

And here's a secret: Unlike some addictions like alcoholism or drug use that are hideable, obesity is different. People know you're obese. It's not your little secret; you're not fooling anyone (no matter how much black or vertical lines you wear). So if you want to change, tell people. It seems embarrassing, I know. And it's hard, but you'll find that the people that love and care about you are going to be excited for you.

2. Get involved in something official
The feeling of being a part of something bigger than yourself will keep you motivated to keep going. Join a local fitness movement (running club, cycling group, weight watchers, etc...) If you have a group of people with likeminded goals, you'll keep coming back. As a bonus, if you join a running club, you'll have official races (Crazy scary, at first, but really no big deal) that you can work toward to keep you having goals. Get involved. You won't regret it.

3. Do something that you enjoy
Running isn't for everyone, so don't do it if you don't want to. Do you enjoy rollerblading? Good. Do that, but do it enough for it to work. Love cycling? Perfect. Did you swim in high school and kind of wish you could get back into it? Great.

If you hate what you're doing, you won't be doing it for very long. If I had said at the beginning, "I'm going to get really freaking good at doing the elliptical," BenDoesLife would have lasted two weeks. Find something that works for you and kill it. You can do it.

4. Be a smarter eater
And I don't mean you have to find a popular name-brand diet thing. If you want to, fine, but they aren't for everyone. But you have to eat better and, more importantly, smarter. Are you and your friends going out for pizza? Ok. Have two slices instead of seven (which was my number of choice.) Want something easy for breakfast? Toast an English muffin rather than a Pop-Tart.

And, if nothing else, learn portion control. Our portion sizes are completely out of whack these days, and what you think is a small meal is probably still more than you should be eating. It's going to take a month or two before you're used to the smaller portions but you'll get there, and it's imperative that you do. Give it time.

MH: Well, Ben I'm sure I speak for many when I wish you a very heartfelt congratulations and all the best in your future pursuits.

Be sure to check out Ben's blog - documenting his continuing journey and sharing thoughts, tips and other musings.

El Milagro Para Bajar De Peso Rapido

Monstruo de Producto Para Bajar De Peso Rapido Con Metodos Probados Altas Conversiones! Carta De Ventas Efectiva. Afiliados Ganan 65% de comision. Comienza A Ganar Miles De Monco Facilmente y Rapidamente!

Check it out!